***** ***** For my love of stitching & sewing. ***** *****
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Summer Fairy finished.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
4 Generations

Ginnie x
Monday, 28 July 2008
I have new flooring!
Tonight I am back to the "Summer Fairy" I think I will finish it before the end of the week so I intend to start some stitching for my mom's birthday in October. I will show you later in the week what I am planning.
I have also found a new little kit I am about to buy off Ebay, it is a Mill Hill kit of the Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker. This will be for Becky and the Christmas Tree as we are going to see the English Youth Ballet perform The Nutcracker in September as one of Becky's friends has a small role in it. Here is what she looks like :
Cute or what!!
Friday, 25 July 2008
Finished cards
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Ginnie x
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Surprise awards

Yesterday I received the Kreativ Blogger award from Heather.
Then Today I received the Brillante Weblog from Nicola.

Thank you both so much.
I was not expecting any awards for what I do as I feel it is nothing special, but I am pleased that my stitching and blogging bring other people enjoyment too.
I read the rules on both and know I am supposed to pass the awards on but I have thought and thought all day and just can't make a decision. Everyone's blog that I read is great in different ways, sometimes it's from what you create, sometimes from what you say etc.... All special in their own way. So I have to say I award them both to all the people on my Blog Roll and thank you all for your kind comments and inspiration.
Tonight I have been out for a lovely meal, hence the late blog posting! About 8 years ago I changed profession completely after a lot of stress problems and illness. I used to be a primary school teacher working first with 5 - 6 year olds and then teaching 5 - 11 year olds with learning difficulties. It is a long story as to what happened and why I finished it all but I won't bore you with it now! From the first school I taught at I only keep in touch with one person, Jan. She was my nursery nurse when I was teaching and we always got on very well. After I left teaching we lost touch a little but this year we managed to get back in touch. So tonight Stuart and I met Jan and her husband Paul for a lovely meal, then we went to visit their allotment as they are keen fruit and vegetable growers. We had a really nice night and I am glad we are in contact again.
Of course now I am tired and don't think I'll manage much stitching. But at least I can give you an update on my cup cake..... I worked on this earlier today.
At least you can see what it is now, it just needs the back stitching and the wording and it'll be done.
I have a busy weekend ahead too as we have some friends visiting on Saturday and another friend coming over on Sunday to do my hair (too many grey bits that need to be covered!!!) So I may not post again until Sunday, so happy stitching.....
Ginnie x
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
A little cup cake
I started back on my Family Tree last night, which was fun I hope I can make good progress on it this week. Already I am running out of some of the green colours that are in the tree part, so I may have to make a visit to the Needlework Shop!!
Now I must go and water the plants as it has been warm here and due to get warmer.... I don't suppose it'll last but while it's warm my plants are crying out for water.
Ginnie x
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Lovely weekend

Today has been a nice, dry day so I made the most of it and did lots in the garden. The lawns got cut, edges trimmed, weeding and watering etc etc. Then I had a good tidy up around the house, plenty of washing, sorting, hoovering......
I thought I'd show these 2 tapestries today as I am sad to say I have just put them up the loft! I started my venture into needlework by sewing tapestries. When I was about 13 my mom bought one to do while she was nursing my grandad, I had a go..... and ended up finishing it for her! Then we had several holidays in France where I discovered the most fantastic Needlework shops, most of which sold so many different tapestries I was spolit for choice. These are 2 I bought over in France and completed in the late 1980s. But I just have no room for them anymore...... so until I have a bigger house (which is probably going to be never!) they will have to be stored away. I do still have one beautiful one on my wall which I will show another time..... and one still on a frame somewhere, virtually finished but stored away somewhere waiting for me to get around to completing it. Once I got into cross stitch I never looked back!!!
Friday, 18 July 2008
Cup of Cheer
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Change of Rota....
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Lilliput Lane week
Ginnie x
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Sunny day out
The weather was just right for it, sunny at times but not too hot. We took a packed lunch which we ate in the moat (well its not there now but where it would have been!), we had a guided tour around the ruins, we watched a Mommers Play and we looked at some "finds" and spoke to a lovely man who was in charge of sorting and cataloguing all the "Finds" in this area. He was a great encouragement to Laura, he gave her loads of information and said when she was a little older if she gets in touch with him he'll help her with some voluntary work at digs etc. So here a couple of
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Package arrived
I had a look at the instructions.... urmm lots of different kinds of stitches that I'm not used to.... this will be a challenge..... m
I haven't opened the accessory pack yet, but I hope I can sort all the threads out ok.
Ginnie x
Thursday, 10 July 2008
I do decoupage also

Ginnie x
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Warwickshire and Family History

Ginnie x
Monday, 7 July 2008
Girls away from home

Ginnie x
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Great buy!
So tomorrow I start the next week of my rota and continue on my Warwickshire Map.... looking forward to moving onto something new. Tonight I'll continue with some of my cards.
Ginnie x
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Lazy day
Thursday night went well, the production was a collection of some of the Brothers Grimm tales. Me and a couple of the other members of the Parent Support Group served the refreshments in the interval, but it wasn't too busy so managed to get home by 8.15pm.
Been feeling unwell myself today.... seems Becky's illness has passed onto me so felt very lifeless all day. Therefore did little work and quite a bit of sewing! My fairy is looking really good and I can't wait to show it tomorrow, there is a lot of back stitch yet to do but otherwise most of it is complete. So also spent some time doing Julie's stitching and some of my 3rd snowman Christmas card!
One thing I am loving about reading other people's blogs is discovering new designs/charts etc that I hadn't heard of before. Last night I looked through "Elizabeth Designs" and liked lots of those. I seem to be drawn more to the designs that feature a slight mixture of stitches and threads etc. Problem is my "want list" will keep growing and growing......
Back tomorrow with more news and pictures I hope!
Ginnie x
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Summer fairy coming along nicely
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Very happy have Henry chart!