Ginnie x
***** ***** For my love of stitching & sewing. ***** *****
Looking at other people's blogs I see lots of them have a rota for their stitching. I'm not sure how well I can stick to one but I'm going to give it a try. The exceptions will be - fitting in my cards when I want/need and on Wednesdays at my Crafty Hands group working on either View from a Terrace or Noah's Ark. Otherwise this is my rota for WIPs.....
Week One - Family Tree (Last week so has ended today!)
Week Two - Summer Fairy and Ballerina (this coming week!)
Week Three - Warwickshire Map
Week Four - Lilliput Lane - Kendal Tea Shop (this is at moms so must bring home!)
When one is complete I'll add another into the rota! Not sure how it'll go but I'm going to give it a go. I choose the 2 for this coming week as I know my girls will argue that I am working on one more than the other as these 2 pieces are for them.
I also want to thank everyone for leaving nice comments on my blog, I am really enjoying my new blogging hobby and look forward to viewing many more nice stitching pieces.
Now I'm going to work on a few cards while Stuart watches the Euro Cup Final!!!!
Ginnie x
We were on holiday on Dorset and sound a lovely Cross Stitch shop where they had this picture completed and on show. I bought the chart and started it in 1993 as my friend, Sarah, had just announced she was pregnant. In those days I didn't stitch as much as I do now and this was the biggest project I had taken on. So in October of that year when I found I was pregnant also I decided to keep the stitching for myself........ (sorry Sarah!). But when my twins arrived in 1994 my stitching got put in a cupboard and didn't make a re appearance for quite a while..... I finally finished it about 5 years ago and it now hangs pride of place in my lounge.
Today I have worked on a few cards and now I'm going to work on The Family Tree and have a nice glass of red wine (being careful not to get the wine too near the stitching!) Tomorrow I am going to take another picture of this stitching to update on my blog.
Ginnie x
I also managed some of my next snowman Christmas card and then moved onto my Family Tree, so quite a successful night.
Tonight there will be no stitching as we are going out! Stuart and I are members of the Committee at my daughter's school "Parent support group". We organise their end of school Prom and we get to go too! So I have my nice dress ready, Stuart is collecting the balloons this afternoon and I am planning to leave work a little early as we have to be there at 6.30pm to check everything is in place for 7pm when the pupils arrive. The weather looks promising today too as last year it rained and rained! It is being held at The Blakelands , a lovely country hotel that caters for big parties etc. This is the room the Prom will be held in, it should be really nice.
Sorry for no stitching pictures still, fingers crossed for the Internet being back on tomorrow!
Have a good weekend......