Well we had to cut our holiday to Cornwall short, due to terrible weather! Cornwall seem to be having a very bad summer as the campsite was already very wet when we arrived and there was a lot of mud and pools on the grass on Monday. But the tent went up easily (normally we have some problem!) and we had a nice evening with my mom and dad in their caravan next door.
On Tuesday morning we woke up to sun! and visited Widemouth Bay (you can see from the photo there were plenty of waves!)

We then went into Bude, which was a nice place, but we got caught in a rain shower and returned to the campsite wet! That evening it continued to rain and the ground just got wetter and wetter. I was so glad I had my wellies but it was starting to get tiresome changing into and out of wellies. Even my parents awning was swimming. During the night we had torrential rain and then the wind started to get stronger .... and the tent started flapping and bending ..... and I got more and more nervous that it was going to blow away with us in it! After little sleep we had to get up early Wednesday to re peg some of the tent. It was awful, the kitchen unit blew over, the clothes blew off the hanging wardrobe, the sides of the tents were so wet that the inner part of the tent started to get wet and then the bed areas started to get wet! I was so worked up about it all. Apparently the winds were gusting at 50 to 60 mph!! This continued all morning, we moved lots of our things into the car to keep them dry and sat in mom and dads caravan.
We knew that we wouldn't be able to spend the night in the tent or take the tent down as it was so windy so we had to check into a hotel in Widemouth. It was such a relief but cost us over £150 for 2 rooms!! Least we were dry and had a great nights sleep. It was a lovely hotel and we had a fabulous cooked breakfast the next morning.
Thursday we returned to the tent (It had actually survived!) and decided that the inside was too wet and the ground was too muddy to stay any longer. As Thursday was a sunny day we spent the day there still, packed back up at teatime and returned late last night.
So Thursday we were able to visit Tintagel at least, it was a lovely place, beautiful views, sunny weather! I had a hand made cornish ice cream!!
Here are another couple of pictures.

This is part of the ruins of Tintagel Castle

This is a view from the castle of the lovely coastline.
I suppose I have to be grateful that we all got back safely, tent and all. Especially as on the Wednesday a 5 year old girl fell into a river in Bude and drowned. But I was grieved we had lost out on most of our holiday and that we had lost our money from the campsite and had to spend on a hotel, but we just couldn't have stayed. Even my parents returned today! We have decided from now on camping holidays in the UK are out!! We are flying somewhere dry next year!!
So as for any stitching...... little to report!! Luckily today I have spent the day relaxing, stitching and watching the Olympics! I will try to catch up on my stitching over the weekend and update you all later.
Sorry to have rambled on but it has been a very eventful and stressful few days...... I needed to get it off my chest !!!
Ginnie x