***** ***** For my love of stitching & sewing. ***** *****
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Building in progress
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Santa knitting.

Laura got on well at her orthodontist appointment on Monday. She will need a lot of "brace" work but he seemed confident that they could get her teeth sorted. She will be called back around February time where they will start on her bottom teeth, take 2 out due to over crowding and then fit a brace. Then they'll work on her top teeth. Her bottom lip at the moment sits behind her top teeth so it doesn't help the problem, they hope it will fall back into it's proper place when her top teeth move back! Long job and she is nervous but she really wants to sort her teeth. She is having a tough week, she went down with a sore throat on Monday too, she has battled on at school then today she had her Grade 3 piano exam, which she was also very nervous for. Now she thinks she messed it up and has failed!!!
Mom and I had a nice Christmas shopping trip on Monday, I think I have most presents sorted now... just the wrapping to do!!
No stitching pictures I'm afraid, Stuart has nicked my camera for school.... blooming cheek!! I have told him I want it back tomorrow..... Henry now has a bit of face to go with his beard and some more of his blue tunic is finished. I have also finished another placecard, just one more to do now.
Ginnie x
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Back in the land of blogging.
This afternoon we finally made it to the cinema to see the Bond film. It was ok but too much fighting and shooting for me.... but of course that's what Bond is like I'm just not a big fan. Stuart enjoyed it though and it was his birthday treat... so that's ok.
As for any stitching I managed some on Friday night. I suddenly realised I needed to get a card done for my Auntie whose Birthday is this Thursday, I was going to do a Decoupage one but really wasn't in the mood. So I found a small All Our Yesterday's girl I had started and forgotten about and spent the rest of the evening finishing that. Here it is.
She has been feeling very down this week, she starts her radiotherapy on 1st Dec and has to go every day for treatment until Christmas Eve. She rang my mom to say she hadn't had chance to Christmas shop and would send us the money instead. I think we all just want her to concentrate on getting well again.
I also have 3 sides of the cottage done, here is a side wall and the other gable end..... one more side and the roof then I get to start the "putting together"!!!
Next week I will work on Henry again and carry on with my mom's gift (I have only done a tiny bit!) and try to do the last side of the cottage.
Sorry I haven't been keeping up with blog reading I'll try to catch up next week. Tomorrow I am taking Laura for her first Orthodontic appointment at the hospital then Mom and I are off Christmas shopping, I go back to work on Tuesday.
Ginnie x
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Some stitching.
And here is the first Gable end of my 3d cottage, it was fun to do. Now I am working on the one side, that has just the beads and back stitching to complete now. No photo yet though.
I may do some "Lest we Forget" stitching next or just relax in front of the TV watching "I'm a celebrity"..... although I am still waiting for the chocolate cake..... but it sounds like the birthday boy is having a snooze as I can hear snoring!!! It is hard work being 40.
Until next time,
Ginnie x
Happy 40th Birthday to my hubbie....

Saturday, 15 November 2008
Lest we forget progress
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Armistice Day stitching.
As with most families we have ancestors who died during the 1st world war, as I love "Family History" research too I have tried to find out as much as I can about one relative - Sydney George Thornton. He was on my mom's side of the family and was my grandad's eldest brother. He was born in 1899 and during the war he joined the Lancashire Fusiliers possibly before he was old enough to! He fought in the trenches in France and his final battle (I believe) was the battle for Cambrai, they advanced on and captured the small village of Awoingt just outside Cambrai on the 10th October 1918. But on the 11th the battalion suffered heavy casualties and I believe Sydney was mortally wounded then. He died on the 21st October 1918 of his wounds and is buried in the Awoingt British Cemetary. He was 19 years old and just 21 days later the war ended. We have no photos of him and my grandad was born in 1912 so had no memories of him as far as I can recall. It is all very sad and I want to stitch this and add Sydney's name to it instead of the small poppy motif on the right. I also plan to visit his grave at some point in the future as I don't think anyone in the family ever has.
I still intend to do my Family Tree this week but have put off the last Christmas gift for another week so I can continiue to work on "Lest we forget" too.
I have also been tagged by Becca and I know a few other stitching friends tagged me a few weeks ago and I forgot all about it! I am not going to pass on the "tagging" as I don't know who to pick but to end my post tonight I will leave you with a few quirky facts about myself.
- I hate flying and even get nervous seeing planes in the sky. Consequently I have flown only once to and from Spain when I was 17!
- I also have a fear of mice, again I can't even look at them on the TV. Yet I love hamsters and have had several as pets over the years.
- When I am food shopping if I want something but there is only one of that item left on the shelf I tend to leave it, because I feel bad that there won't be one left for someone else if I have it! (yeah I know this is really odd!)
- I have weetabix (or similar store's own brand!) for breakfast every morning....... nothing else fills me up enough!!
- I am a fully qualified primary school teacher and specialist "Reading Recovery" teacher but left the profession 8 years ago due to ill health and stress! I now work in an office!
- I feel the cold especially my feet and nearly always have socks on!!!!
That'll do for now......
Ginnie x
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Postman delivered a new one!
The only thing I haven't started this week is my last Christmas gift. I will try to start that next week along with continuing on my Family Tree.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Ginnie x
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Peek a Boo - part 2
Ther is a number 13 on her top but you can't see that very well yet! Just some of the hat, the rest of the trousers, the star sign name plaque and lots of back stitch to do! Should be finished by the weekend! I have also worked on Stuart's card a bit - that has been hard as he has been at home a lot. He has just informed me he has to go to Birmingham University on Saturday - oh good I can finish his card!!!
My auntie went back to the hospital today for a check up, they were very pleased with her progress, they said the lump was only small and they think they managed to get rid of all of it. To be on the safe side she is still going to have a course of radiotherapy and some tablets.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Ginnie x
Monday, 3 November 2008
Henry has a beard!
This week I am setting myself some small goals again -
- Sagittarius - Complete at least half of this picture.
- Stuart's card - finish all of it.
- Christmas gifts - start the last one - mom's compact mirror
- Placecards - complete at least one more.
Tonight we have been at the girl's school sorting all the Christmas Raffle ticket books into groups of 5 for each child and sorting into classes. This went better than normal as we had loads of Year 11 pupils come along to help. I may stitch just a bit of the Sagittarius card now but I am very tired again. Hope I feel back to normal tomorrow.
Ginnie x