Hope everyone is having a good weekend, or extended weekend if you are in the UK. The weather is a bit dreary here still, I wish it would warm up. I have both Monday and Tuesday off work so nice to think it is not the end of my weekend this evening!
I still haven't been stitching a huge amount, but I am slowly getting my mojo back...... Here is my progress on the ballerina, I thought I may get fed up with the similar colours but I am actually enjoying working on it. I think Becki will love it when I'm done.
I suddenly realised last week that of all the Lizzie Kate month stamps I have stitched I was missing June. So yesterday I started it, I doubt I'll get it finished for Wednesday but hopefully sometime during June it'll be complete! Here is the small progress so far.

Finally I got around to doing another charity square, this one is for a "Toys" theme quilt. Very cute!!

Laura has just 2 AS exams left to go, so far the others have gone ok I think..... although her normal reaction is "it was awful!"
Becki is working on her show dances for the end of June, she is pleased that she is choreographing some as well this time and her dance teacher has said how good they are looking.
Stuart got another job last week, although he only moved schools last September he has found it hard to settle there. This new school seems a bit of a challenge as they have had a lot of problems but he was used to this at his last school so feels happy that he'll get on better here.
Happy stitching.......
Ginnie xxx