***** ***** For my love of stitching & sewing. ***** *****
The girls have just a week left before all their exams are over. Still feels very strange! Prom is next Thursday so we have been sorting hair and makeup appointments. Laura is having her hair coloured tomorrow at the hairdressers as she has short hair and won't have much done to hers on the day. Becki is letting me colour hers on Friday then on the day she is having it all put up with lots of curls. She had a trial run recently and it looked really nice. I hope the fine weather we have at the moment stays for the 24th !!
I also have to confess to a new start ! I had my World of Cross Stitch magazine come on Saturday and there was a lovely Blackwork Lady chart, stitched on dusky pink evenweave. As soon as I saw it I just had to do it.... it just caught my eye so much. So I ordered some fabric which arrived the next day and I stitched just a tiny bit last night. I will share a photo when I have a bit more to show.
Happy stitching
Ginnie xx
I also continued with my Family Tree piece. I'm not really sticking to my rota at the moment so I have changed it. I will put my 2 large projects (Family Tree and Henry VIII) in a 2 week each rota and then do any other along with them..... whatever takes my fancy! So Family Tree has had its 2 weeks so now it is Henry's turn.
My lovely little Forever Friends bear is also complete (as far as possible). Just need to wait now to add either blue or pink around the bib and border and of course the name! I just love him..... and have lined up the next Forever Friends bear to do!! I'm obsessed!