Last week I seemed to lose my stitching mojo a bit! Which was a shame because I don't lose it very often! I think it has come back already this week....yeah!
Mind you I had a busy few days which left me tired and so you don't tend to feel like stitching then. Thursday night I went out with my firend Aly, Friday I had the day off and went Christmas shopping with my mom, Saturday I went shopping again but with the girls and Sunday we put the tree and decorations up.
So I had 4 days of no stitching ! So here is what I managed to sort before then! Firstly here is a photo of all of my decorations, complete and ready to post. Just moms that is missing because she has claimed that already. I hope all my family like them!

Christmas is Forever is now fully framed too and hanging in the lounge opposite the Christmas Tree. Sorry the photo isn't the best, the glass is reflecting the light.

So far this week I have worked on my Robert Pattinson Stitch a Star and my Enchanted Mermaid. Although I said no new starts in December I have remembered I want to start an "All our Yesterdays" for my Aunt and Uncle's Golden Wedding in February '10. So I may start that soon as I don't want to rush at the end.
Lastly I'd like to share some dancing photos with you of my darling Becki. These were the ones taken at the Dress Rehearsal of her show back in November, we had the disc come at the weekend with over 2000 photos on (not just Becki obviously) These 3 are my favourite of many great ones. (If you are my friend on Facebook I have put more of them on there)

This is her tap dance to Let it Snow.

This is her on full ballet pointes dancing to Love reign over me... which was beautiful.
And our all time favourite -

Becki doing a fab jump to "Fame" it looks so good in black and white with the dry ice in the back ground. How does she get her leg that high??? Can't wait for the DVD to arrive now to watch the whole show again!
Anyway back to stitching Robert and drinking my cup of tea.
Ginnie x