Well I couldn't wait until later tonight to post or to celebrate....... so come join the party, pull a party popper, raise a glass and help yourself to cake.......today the 18th June is my 1 year Blogoversay...... Hooray........
A year ago in May I started my Family Tree stitching and wanted a way to record my progress. In June I thought about a blog.... then after reading a few I took the plunge and started blogging!

It was a great decision. This time last year I hadn't heard of Bent Creek, HAED, Biscornus etc..... Oh boy have I learnt a lot. It has also encouraged me to stitch more than ever before and produce lots of pieces over the last 12 months.
But mostly I have made some great friends, who have encouraged me, helped me find charts, chatted to me on MSN, got me involved in charity stitching and even played games with me on Facebook!!
So to celebrate I am having a giveaway. I am going to stitch something nice, sadly at the moment it is no where near complete..... so the winner will have to wait a little. As a clue it is a Lizzie Kate - a similar size to the Stamp Flip-its - and I'll make it into some kind of hanging ornament.
To be entered into the giveaway simply leave a comment on this post saying you would like to take part. I will then draw a name at random on Sunday night (21st) at around 8pm (GMT).
Thank you everyone for being interested in my stitching and commenting on my many posts.
Here's to the next 12 months..... who knows Henry may be finished by then !
Happy stitching
Ginnie x