I have been a busy bee over the last few days. Stuart got to Poland safely on Friday but the silly thing left his mobile phone charging in the kitchen. So I have only heard from him twice. I am just checking "flight stats" web page now see if his flight has landed at Luton yet.... should be any time now. It'll be good to have him back.
So on Wednesday we bought 2 prom dresses, well put the deposits on 2. Thank goodness my MIL has given us some money towards them because they were SO expensive, but the girls looked fantastic in them and I couldn't say no! Mind you that night I felt really ill, Stuart said it was the thought of spending so much money! I have suffered for years with indigestion/heartburn/acid reflux but haven't been too bad over the last 12 months or so but on Wednesday evening it returned! I was doubled up in pain for hours, it was horrid. I've still had it on and off over the last few days and my stomach is hurting again now but I am trying to ignore it!!
In spite of that I have made lots of stitchy progress, both by hand and machine! Firstly here is a Lickle Ted piece that was free with Card Shop magazine last month, isn't he cute?
Then here is Carl and Jane's Christmas ornament all finished. Looks great with the white cording.
On Saturday I wanted to make a bag for Stuart as a little extra Christmas present. He has an allotment now and was complaining that he had nowhere to keep his seed packets...... so now he has. The design is a Lizzie Kate one. It took me ages because I wanted to finish it just right, the design is on a patch pocket. I just want to add a press stud on the top so his seeds don't fall out!!

And finally here is Henry. I am very pleased with my progress on him this week, I finished the tiny bit of Henry that was needed and have also finished all of Anne of Cleves. I am working on Catherine Howard's dress next, may take a bit longer as more is on show. This will be so special when it is done.

Next week it is back to The Enchanted Mermaid, although I have another busy week ahead! On Friday night I am off to see The Rocky Horror Show at the theatre!! Then Becki has her dance show all weekend, I go and watch the dress rehearsal on the Saturday then we have tickets to watch on the Sunday afternoon. Becki is in 9 dances so we have to sort her costume rota out!!! Normally there is one quick change in the wings!! I'll post more on that after the show.... I am so looking forward to seeing her dance.
Until next time.
Ginnie x