Thursday, 19 January 2012

An old UFO

I have dug out one of my oldest, oldest, oldest UFOs! I think I started it before the girl's were born, so 18 years ago but it could have been just after.... my memory doesn't quite recall.

It is a Dimensions kit of Noah's Ark and just before Christmas I started to take it to Stitch Club to work on as one of the other ladies was doing a Noah's Ark too.

Here is my progress:

Some of the reasons it became a UFO are it just was so big, it is on 18 count aida and it grew very slowly. So my new aim is to take it to club when I go and try to get it done by the end of 2012. As you can see I have just over 50% complete.

My small finish this week is the piece for another 18th birthday card. The girls thought the saying was apt for this friend. I will make it into a card over the weekend.

Becki is waiting to hear back from her audition on Saturday. She liked it there and thought it went well but you can never tell. One place she sent an application and payment to have just sent a letter back saying they can't offer her an audition. That's nice, they take the money still though. This Saturday she has an audition in Leeds, so fingers crossed for that one. I am getting more and more stressed as the realisation hits me that she may not get a place so will be devastated. Especially as Laura will then probably go to University in Sept and Becki may stay home. Her back up plan then will be just to apply for Dance courses at Uni, but that would be for the following year. Don't you just wish you had a magic wand to make everything right for them !

Happy stitching

Ginnie xx

Sunday, 8 January 2012

First card finish of the year.

I am pleased with how quickly I stitched this Forever Friends ted. I only started him last weekend. He is out of the latest issue of WOCS magazine. The chart had the candles all different colours but I went with just the lilac. He is so cute I wish I was keeping him myself ! But he is for one of the girl's bestest friends who turns 18 in a couple of weeks. I kept the card simple so she could just remove the Happy Birthday sticker and frame the picture. I hope she does.

Because I worked on this all week I have done no more stitching on Pension Day. I want to start another small cute picture for another card soon but have just realised I need to stock up on a particular DMC colour required in the chart.

Otherwise I am still stitching squares for my charity and may start one of those instead until I get to the shop.

Had a tiring weekend, not because I went out but because the girls have had late nights out and I tend to wait up for them (or have to pick them up late !) I suppose that is the joys of having 17 year old daughters. Next Saturday we are going to London again as Becki has an audition at London Contemporary Dance School, I hope she gets a good outcome from this as we all liked this school when we visited in October. So fingers crossed !!

Hope you have all had a good week.

Ginnie xx

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Good Start !

The first day of 2012 and I am blogging... what a good start !

We had a good Christmas but then after Boxing Day I got a cold and cough and felt pretty rough. Still not 100% now. Stuart not feeling fab today either so hope I haven't passed my germs his way. Spent New Year's Eve with my mum and dad, girls went out (first NYE with out them). Back to work on Tuesday !

Luckily I managed to get some stitching done while I wasn't feeling too well. I started a while back a new picture for mum and dad called Pension Day. It is from an old WOCS magazine. It has lots of colours in it though so I put it away for a while. Over Christmas I sorted several of the colours onto my thread organiser and that really helped.

Here is what it will eventually look like -

And this is my progress so far. I made a slight mistake early on too so I have that to make some parts up as I go along ! Lots of browns.... oh well !

This year I also want to stitch this -

Hopefully if Becki gets into a Dance School she will leave her local dance school where she now teaches too and has been attending since she was 5. So she wants me to stitch a special piece for her teacher Rachel. I intend to stitch the dance school name instead of just her name.

Before I start this I have a couple of 18th birthday cards to do for 2 of the girls friends. I have started a Forever Friends bear already for one of them and will update next time with a photo.

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2012.

Ginnie xx